Help button Drag and Drop game

Could you please give me a advice to create a help button to complete the quiz? Follow the instruction from @Points, I can start the quiz now. But I want to improve it more.

Thank you a lot.

You’ll need to be a bit more explicit with your request - do you need help creating the actual button or what it does?

A help button like a button that when pressed gives information about the game?

Yes, the button will show the match objects. Example if object A and B matched, it would show the circle around object C and D or E and F.

Thank you. When you click that button, it will show the match objects. Example if object A and B matched, it would show the circle around object C and D or E and F.

CONDITION: Mouse button “left” released; cursor / tap is on “HelpButton”; trigger once
ACTION:change scene variable “Help” set to 1.

A special event (for each “A” object):
CONDITION: scene variable “Help” is 1; Number of object “A” is ≥ 2; trigger once.
ACTION: create object “circle” on A.X(“Center”) A.Y(“Center”); Modify the value in the Z plane (and choose a greater value than the value of the object A…so, the circle will be above of the object A).
You have to repeat this event for every object, changing object A for object B, C, D, E, F…etc.

The last event:
CONDITION:Scene variable “Help” is 0; trigger once.
ACTION:Delete the object “Circle”

You have to choose how will u change the scene variable “Help” to 0. Maybe by pressing a key.
CONDITION: x key is released; trigger once.
ACTION: change scene variable “help” set to 0.

I will try. thank you a lot