Help Me Make A Terraria Worm

I want to make an enemy like a Terraria Worm, and I have NO clue how. I have 3 sprites so far; Head, Body, and Tail. But I have no clue how to make it move.

There is absolutely NO code right now, and my brain is as smooth as a marble.
Heres my worm sprite if it helps: its divided into 3 peices of 64x64
wormy guy
ples help

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Hi, I can think of two different ways to do that. In any case you probably need more than just three parts for a good worm-like movement.

I believe the “classical” way is to move the head-part, store its position coordinates in an array and use this data to move the other segments of the worm/snake accordingly.

If you don’t want to bother with arrays and setting up a movement pattern for the worm in events, you could use the ‘curved movement’-extension instead. There is an example project with several scenes. The ‘Train (top-down)’ example could be interesting for you.

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Other options would be the Animate Shadow Clone extension or physics linking. Sort of like a chain. I’ve never tried the physics method.


I saw a guy on discord that made worm like boss
And when i ask him how he did it he said shadow clones just like Keith suggests

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Well believe or not i found his message

Turns out he just said he is using shadow clones
I did not ask him anything

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