Help with Witch platform character animations

I am trying to get the little Witch sprite to turn left and right and go up and down, I have the left and right animations edited in GIMP, but how do I add the animations to the character?

( is her flying facing the left.

Hi Rich,
actually you don’t need a left and right animation for that. There is an action for flipping your sprite. Adding animations to your sprite is a very basic thing in Gdevelop: in your objects editor you just click the button ‘Add an animation’.

I know I have already mentioned it before, but just let me recommend again to do two or three of the tutorials in Gdevelop. Some of the things you do there can be directly applied to your project. You got the same recommendation just recently here:

It is okay that you are a noob - as you have called yourself - and that you have questions, but just be aware that your life as a game developer would become much easier, if you knew the engine and some of the basic game making concepts a bit better.

I’ve added the animations, but they don’t work for some reason? My little Witch won’t turn left or right?

Without your events it is difficult to say what the the reason is.