How can I create a game like this with Gdevelop?


Recently I got to find a nice puzzle game on my phone. It was so fun and relaxing, but still I can’t find how the game works. I tried to make a similar one of it in Gdevelop. But I miserably failed at it. The logic seems to be impossible to create. I have been on to it for the past 4-5 days. But still no idea on how to make it work.

Can any one of you can help me create the logic or tell me how it works? Please…

This is the link to the game -

I didn’t download the game to test it but it’s relatively simple I’d imagine, the only difficult part would be the tiles fitting in the space and maybe the swiping part, I don’t know though as I haven’t done that kinda stuff before. I think once you get the ability to swipe the pieces over you can just test the collision between two of the same pieces to get the next piece. (I don’t actually know if you swipe or not, I just assumed it was like 2048.)

So main game concept here is that you cannot move diagonally

So all you would need to do is create 2 objects
Object A at tile from which you start
And object B which you constantly change position to wherever touch is
It could literally be created as 2 buttons in shape of circle

Now you would check if object A is in collision with blue tile and object B is in collision with red tile (or vice versa) you could even check it via animation number
Where red and blue tiles are same object just with either animation 0 and 1 where one is red other is blue

And only thing you would need to check is if their Y or X are the same

And that is how you would know if ITS NOT diagonally placed
I think you would have easier time making blue and red tiles separate objects

And ALSO it could be done via raycast

Line between tile you clicked and your current touch could be done with shape painter
I can’t see anything complicated or hard in this game