How can I fix the health on my monster

Hello guys so every time I fire a bullet to my enemy it instantly died and yes I changed the behavior, so if anyone can help me? I am really sorry because i am a newbie. Thank you so much


The monster appears to die instantly because the bullet inflict damage every game frame, or about 60 times per second.

To prevent this, delete the bullet as an action in the event in your screen shot.

Also make sure the default health level (in the behaviour) is not 1.

now how can I kill the monster? please help me. Thank u so much.

I don’t understand what you mean by that. You have a screen shot of the events that reduce the health of the monster. When it reaches 0, replace it with an image of a dead monster or delete it from the scene.

If you still have trouble grasping this, I suggest you follow some of the GDevelop beginner tutorials, like this one.