How can i make the enemy face the player - Pathfinding

Hey so im trying to make the enemy look toward the player, but they just keep their initial sprite position, i’ve tried using this :

But they won’t change their directions, i think it’s the pathfinding that cause problem but im a beginner and can’t seem to find any solutions …

Conditions and events do not work independently for each line. The entire event box executes together.

At the bottom of the screenshot, you have the conditions “Enemy.X < Player.X” and “Enemy.X > Player.X” in the same event. This is impossible since enemy X can’t be both less than and greater than a number at the same time. Then, the action part says “Flip Horizontally: Yes, Flip Horizontally: No” which would always flip the object and then immediately un-flip it.

This should be two separate events, each with one of the condition/action pairs. Your other events are structured correctly so just follow the same logic.

Oh yes, it make so much sense i should have figured it way sooner…

Thanks for your reply !!