How do i close video after ending

When i close video after ending?? thanks

A question that is not very clear… If i get this right, you want to automatically close the video when it has reached the end. To achieve this, you have an event called “end of video”:

You can then delete the Video object, or hide it.

sorry. the "is ending " wont work… the video end and dont do the action.

1 i put a video in scene and i hide it
2 put a button that when clicked. show and play video.
i want that video end. it hide…plase do you can make a exemple?/

sorry. i am using. a bad pc.

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sorry. the "is ending " wont work… the video end and dont do the action.

1 i put a video in scene and i hide it
2 put a button that when clicked. show and play video.
i want that video end. it hide…plase do you can make a exemple?/

sorry. i am using. a bad pc.

You should show screenshots and explain what you did instead of saying it doesn’t work, this would help others understand the issue more easily.

Here the example you asked for:

At the beginning of the scene, the video is hidden, but when I click the button, the video shows up and plays. Once it is ended, it disappears.

thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!the problem was or video that you were using. I put another video and it worked