How do I create objects per frame in a controlled manner?

I’m making my bullets have a trail effect but I want to know if there is a way to make it spawn the trail object every x amount of seconds, I know there is the option for the particle effects but I want to know if there’s another way with just using the condition?

Have you tried the “Animate shadow clones” extension.

It works perfectly, now I have question regarding this, is there a condition where I can say “if object is deleted” I do “x”? because I want to delete the shadow clones when the object its attached to gets destroyed, I dont know if there’s a condition for that and I dont want to use the health extension just to check if the object is dead.

Before you delete the bullet, you can delete the clone objects attached to it. If the bullet has the behavior to delete it when off screen then assign it to the clone objects as well.

Choose this action for the clone object. I tested it by dropping objects onto a platform.