How do i display 1000 as 1.000?

Can’t find any info on the forum or the wiki

This appears to be a solution of sorts

I’m not sure but that’s for decimals right? but that can be done as well with trunc(value * 100) / 100 while what i want is to have the separation for thousands millions billions etc. for exemple if i have 238492 gold i want it to appear as 238.492 and if i have 1238338 then to appear as 1.238.338 not sure if thats what they explain in the post, if it is them maybe i don’t understand :sweat_smile:

I already saw the 100k one and i know how to do that but what i wanted is to see the whole number but with dots xD

You may need to write a function to split the input into the format you want.

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