How do i Fix my button?

How do I…

I have an problem with a button i use on my interface.
It weirdly become worst (but don’t know if it’s due to an update).
The button is a pre-build component

What is the expected result

I want my full button to be hoverable and interactive

What is the actual result

Only part of the button is interactive.

Related screenshots

here is a video of the button

the text below indicate if the cursor is touching this button :

For the information :

  • I made sure there is nothing above the button,
  • the button is on the highest z-index
  • i have one effect on the button, but removing the effect doesn’t change
  • i try changing the font, the size, … but nothing

Well… i don’t know how to correct that.
Any idea ? Thanks

IDK why but i feel like what you are experiencing something that have to do with camera
However i would make new button and check if same issue occurs
IF so i would make new scene and make there new button and see if same issue occurs

Do you think that Tweens happening on the player and enemy movement can do something like that ?

Tweens on one object shouldn’t affect another object.

Could you add the following event?

Then when you run the game, do you see something like this on the back button?

Do what MrMen said
This will tell a lot

If you would tween button then MAYBE where it would be ultra bizarre
But not if you tween other object that would be like no way it is possible

And what i meant with camera is like if you have button on layer on which you did not apply same zoom as on layer on which player is
Or maybe it was center camera on player
Then you would get displaced effect
Where i am not 100% sure was it just visual or also collision based
That is why i wrote i feel like its caused by camera
Where i can be wrong

Thanks MrZen, i didn’t know this function, pretty useful.
However this still not make sense, look at it

Seems that only the upper part is active…

This has me scratching my head. Do you scale the button, resize it or have other behaviours attached to it? Have you got other events that do something with it?

I have one effect attach “Black & White” to allow me to disabled it if the action cannot be done. But i tried to remove it, and got the same issue.

What i have is variables, that allow me to have only one visually consistent button but i’m targetting the button with a variable focus.


However i don’t see the relationship between this and the interaction…
About Scaling yes i do scale depending of the text size, but if i change scale i still see the issue.

Can you replicate the issue with a new test scene? If so, could you try replicating the issue with a small test project?

If you cannot replicate the issue this way, then maybe deleting the button object and recreating it (with the same name) might be a solution.