How do I get the distance between the player and the nearest platform right under it?

How do I get the distance between the player and the nearest platform right under it?

The simplest way, please.
Thanks in advance.

You could use the Raycast condition.
Then you’ll get the X and Y position of where the Raycast will stop
after that you can calculate the Distance Between the player and the X and Y of the Raycast’s last position

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For the Object to test against the ray, I create a group with all the platform objects in it. One is out if it looses the platform behavior, and gets in if it gets it.
The testing object is this group.

I don’t fully understand how to use the Raycast thing.

I think you can use groups
If you want a Raycast to work all you need to do is to specify the object the ray is looking for (your group in this instance), the starting X and Y of the ray (which would be the X and Y position of the player), the angle of the ray (180) and then you can store the X position and Y position as scene variables (Variable())

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Thank you very much!

By the way, you can use the Shape Painter object to draw your Raycast so you can see where it is
you would draw a line going from the player X and player Y and ending at the X and Y of the raycast’s end
also you should use the player’s CenterX and CenterY to make sure the ray gets casted properly

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