How do I have multiple levels with only one scene?

How do I reload this scene without it breaking? 1st scene works fine, but once I hit the Up key it reloads with nothing. TB_Location is to keep track of what “level” you are on. If on “1”, and Up key is pressed, change TB_Location to whatever the number should be, and then reload. When it reloads, it should reload to whatever the last thing TB_Location is set to. This way I can have 1 actual scene instead of making a zillion.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Thanks a ton!

If you want one scene and a ton of levels, use external layouts. Create one scene with all the necessary events, then go to your properties tab, scroll down and click external layout. An external layout is just like the normal scene editor where you place a bunch of objects. When you create a layout, it will ask for the scene with the events. Then if you want to load a certain level, use the action “load external layout”. Just be careful that GDevelop will create an external layout automatically when connected to a scene, so using this action may cause duplicate items. This method is also less intensive since putting all your levels in one scene and teleporting the player is not good for performance.

And for your variable, use the debugger to see the value of the global variable and make sure it is set to the value you are looking for.

Yea, I plan on doing using external events.

When you look at my code: is it just something dumb that I missed? it is bothering me as to why it broke