I’m using top-down movement extension to control my player character for a top-down 3d game (sort of like 2.5d). Is there a way to prevent them from backtracking? So that they can move forward or up & down (up arrow, left arrow, right arrow keys) but not backwards with the down key.
I’ve tried to put an object into the game to block them from going back by moving it a set distance behind them when they walk but it keeps shoving the player forwards infinitely.
If its not possible and i have to code my own movement, is there a way to also DIY the mobile joystick controls?
First uncheck the “Default controls” in the top-down behavior. Then manually add the controls using the action “Simulate control”. Just don’t add control for the Down movement.
Unchecking default controls and manually adding them in events worked for keyboard controls, but i cant seem to get it for the mobile joystick.
I’ve watched the video and added the multi-touch mapper, but cant figure out how to stop them from walking backwards
in short, the current condition is that they can no longer move back using the arrow keys (good) but can still move backwards using the mobile joystick (not so good)