I am trying to make a top down game with a diverse combat system, I wanted to start with making the normal sword attack, I successfully did this. But I want to make it so after Pressing Z, the attack button after attacking, you have a short window to to press attack again to do another attack. And then you will wait for the cooldown to end, and then you can attack again. But if you don’t perform the second attack in the window you will reset ttaacks and wait for the cooldown.I made a mockup under, I need help making the attack Chain reset if you miss the Attack Window.
Hi there,
First yoh need a timer for the button to add a delay before the button can be pressed again to go into next combo.
When button is pressed, reset & pause the timer;
When button is released, unpause the timer.
Then, You can make a sub event for when the player presses attack button if the timer >0.1.
If animation name == attack1, do attack2 animation;
If animation name == attack2, do attack3 animation; etc.
Sorry this is quite rough. I hope it helps you start somewhere