How do I make an event happen when an object falls from a certain distance/height

Hi, I’m trying to make an explosive object that would explode if it falls from a really high distance, but not explode if it falls from a lower one, any way to achieve this? I’m using the character behavior for the falling
Here’s a demonstration image:

Make 1 object variable for the explosive. This will contain the start Y coordinate

When the explosive is thrown, immediately set the
object variable to the current height of the explosive. (use trigger once to make sure you set it once.)

In the events for exploding, add a condition to make sure that the distance between the ground and the explosive object variable is greater than X. (set x to the threshold you want to have the bomb not to explode)

(ground Y level - object variable) > X

This will make the events responsible for exploding the explosive only execute if you throw the explosive above a certain height.