How do I make an unmoving plaid effect?

I’m looking to make an unmoving plaid effect (ex. the clothes in the cartoon “Chowder”) in GDevelop for multiple objects at once (pretty much every object in a scene), meaning I can’t just make a background and cover the background surrounding the object to make it look like a texture. I’ve seen people say you need to use a custom shader on other engines’ forums, but I’m not sure GDevelop is capable of that and if it is then I’m at a loss on how to approach that. Anyone have some suggestions?

Have you tried the object masking extension?

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I haven’t, but I’ll have to try it. Thank you!

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For a quick hack, you can also have a similar effect with the “Noise” effect applied to objects or layers. Though the textures created there are extremelly basic :sweat_smile: (Just some dots)