How do i make catto boi like dialogue?

How do I…

I am trying to make catto boi like dialogues shown below

What is the expected result

Well, i dont know how to make it so theres none

What is the actual result

same as above

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Yarn can do dialogue like this. I made a simple tutorial that might help get you started. Character names and portraits can be changed using custom Yarn commands (that will make sense when you learn a bit more about Yarn).

Oh thanks ,i already watched some tutorials, but i run into a problem if i want to recopy the sounds as i have to use conditions if the letter is __ (for the sound to play) for every upcoming characters. unfortunately yarn doesnt do that, meaning i’ll have to use a thousand conditions (even calling commands)

I see what you mean. Yes, it’s not easy with Yarn to set different speech sounds for lots of characters. You’d needs lots of commands, or perhaps a Yarn variable:

<< set $myYarnVariable to 56 >>

And then back in GDevelop your event would be like this:

Conditions: Dialogue state number variable “myYarnVariable” is equal to 56
Actions: Play a sound

…But that’s just as bad as lots of commands! Hmmm, I can’t think of a way to do it that doesn’t involve lots of commands or variable checks. But at least it is possible to do it. I guess you’d need to just be very careful with your Yarn command names so that you know what command plays what sound. So commands like this

<< sallyLaugh >>
<< sallyGroan >>

<< johnLaugh >>

And then in GDevelop lots of sub-events all under an event with the ‘Dialogue is running’ condition. Each sub-event would have one condition, like:

Command << “sallyLaugh” >> is called

Perhaps someone else will see this who knows a better, more dynamic, way, but I’m not sure there is one.

For now i did sub conditions, but thank you!

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