And once i press button text is changing to “Reload”
So that means button is working and reload is triggered (i even wait reload time before i can shoot again) but my bullet count doesnt change
I could be wrong but I beileve you need to either choose unlimited ammo or incerease the starting ammo either thu the behavior screen or through actions.
You start with 30, use 30 and then there’s nothing left to reload.
Yes, but you need to be carrying enough ammo. I believe, the shots per reload is like the clip amount, the starting ammo is the total. I’m confused as to what Max ammo is. It’s a little poorly worded. It’s a bit vague. It works for me.
max ammo or starting ammo IDKW the max ammo is for. Try setting the starting ammo
Ok, I see now. the max ammo is the maximum after the initial. If you add ammo with increase ammo it only goes to that number. Weird. You can start with 300 but after adding ammo even once it drops to the max amount.
Yea took me good 30 mins before i figured it out the 1st time
Reload is there like function/mechanism you can use
Sam as you can add keys to move your player but you still need to set to what animation player object changes when pressing some key
Same thing here you have reload mechanism yet you need to set up what will happen when you actually reload
AND worst of all from all we think RELOAD means it does not mean here recharge your ammunition
But if you think about it It actually make sense that it is set up this way