So im making a pizza tower fangame and i want so that when you collect a coin/point, your combo gets back by a little, but i coundnt find a way to do it.
heres my code so far (the recolor things are to simbolize the time and the end of the combo):
So im making a pizza tower fangame and i want so that when you collect a coin/point, your combo gets back by a little, but i coundnt find a way to do it.
heres my code so far (the recolor things are to simbolize the time and the end of the combo):
when player is in collision with coin, then subtract X from COMBO.
X is the amount of deduction.
dont forget to add trigger once, you dont want this to execute multiple time per one collison.
Also, whats your gdev version
i think i have the latest verison? i dont really know. i searched gdvelop and downloaded it from the actual site so
also if i remove from the combo woundt it just end? i want it to preserve my combo not end it
No, it wouldn’t reset your combo. Try it and tell me