How do i make this rammer enemy in my game work

What I’m trying to make:

I’m trying to make an enemy in my game such that when a player gets within a certain distance of the enemy, it will create an object indicator (the indicator is a large row of arrows) facing the player, and then change its animation to a charging animation, and then once that animation is done, it charges in the direction of the indicator. (The indicator is supposed to appear once the player gets in range of the enemy, and it should face the player when the player first gets in range, but after the indicator gets created, even if the player moves out of the way, the indicator still stays at the same place)

What I want to happen:

When the enemy is within a certain distance of the player, it should create the indicator object, which is a big row of arrows facing the player, then proceed to change into its charging animation, and once that animation is finished, it will charge in the direction of the row of arrows, by applying a permanent force to the enemy and then stopping it a fraction of a second later.

What actually happens:

However, when I first did this, for whatever reason, when the enemy first gets in range of the player, if the player moves while it is creating the indicator, it will create multiple instances of the indicator, which look ugly. I then tried to fix this by making the enemy create the indicator object via the object spawner behaviour so it would only create one, which worked when there was one of such enemy near the player, but it did not work when multiple of them were in range of the player. So, I tried to change it back to how it was before I used the object spawner behaviour, and now its even more broken than before, the enemy isn’t even creating indicators and charging in the direction of them, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Below is the current version of my game code for this enemy (which is probably the most broken version)
The enemy is “rammer” and the indicator is “rammerAimer”

Uh… Do you use ‘for each’ condition for your rammer object?
If I were to do this, the logic I’d follow might go like so:

Set an object variable on the rammer.
Let’s say, a text variable ‘rmode’ initially set to “guard”

At beginning of scene (or when a new rammer is created)
repeat for each rammer:
start a timer “ramtime”
pause “ramtime”

rammer distance to player is below 640
rammer variable rmode = “guard”
__repeat for each rammer
create ramAim
link ramAim and rammer
rotate ramAim towards player
turn off pathfinding
change rammer animation to “charging”
change rammer variable rmode to: “prep”

rammer variable rmode= “prep”
animation is finished
__repeat for each rammer
unpause timer “ramtime”
change rammer animation to “normal”
change rammer variable rmode to: “banzai”

rammer variable rmode = “banzai”
__repeat for each rammer
take into account ramAim linked to rammer
add instant force to rammer toward ramAim.angle() and length 160 pixels
if timer “ramtime” is greater than or equal to 0.35 sec
change rammer variable rmode = “cooldown”

rammer variable rmode= “cooldown”
__repeat for each rammer
if ramtime is greater than or equal to 0.5 sec
take into account ramAim linked to rammer
delete ramAim
reset timer “ramtime”
pause timer “ramtime”
turn on pathfinding
change rammer variable rmode = “guard”

So yeah, I believe it would go something like that.
I hope that makes sense.

If you only want one instance of the aimer on the scene, try using something like this:

No. I want one instance of the aimer per rammer, and each of the aimers must only be linked to one rammer

I tried something like your idea here, the problem is that it doesn’t work when there’s multiple of them near the player at once. By the way, I don’t want them to all charge at the player at once, I want them to charge at the player on their own accord, which means based on when they individually get within range of the player

Forgive me, but I somehow don’t see how it wouldn’t work…
The screenshot of the events you put up, I don’t see a “for each” on there. That, I believe, is what you need.
What “for each” does is that only the ones that fulfill the distance condition execute the events under it. So those that are too far away are not included in that “for each” and thus will just go wander about or do according to whats written for them if their rmode variable=“guard”.
I am actually using this very logic in one of my projects. I’m still out at the moment. But when I get back and you still haven’t got it to work, I’ll try dig it up.

Right, so here, as promised, I managed to snip out the more relevant events from my project.

Hope it helps. Good luck!