How do i match a background up with the rest of the scene?

How do i match a background up with the rest of the scene?

I am trying to make a parallax background like the background tutorial shows, I followed it exactly and it shows the background matching with the platform layer.

when i add my layer to it, the background is smaller and its frozen in the back. but when i add it to the platform its where i want it but i cant edit it the way i want to because of the other stuff in the same layer.

this is what i want it to look like: Upload and share screenshots and images - print screen online |

and this is what ends up happening: Upload and share screenshots and images - print screen online |

Create a new layer called background and put it at the most bottom of layers.Then put the background in that layer and increase its hieght and witdh to 20000000 or more if you want to
This is what i always do with my games. Look