How do I move a player forward in 3D

Hi, I have been building an interactive educational game in 3D and I’ve managed to set the camera to sit behind at an angle and rotate the player, but I have an issue with the player moving forward in the right direction.

What is the expected result

The forward button should always push forwards not at the original angle the character faces

What is the actual result

when I press the accelerate button it will go forward, but then when I rotate again, the force is applied from the original angle. I think I need to read my angle variable at each stop, but unsure how to do this

Related screenshots

See below

Project files (optional)

Insert a minimal game showing your issue in a .zip or .rar.

You need to attach the 3d walk extension to your player and remove the one that stops the player and change the force to move forward witch should do it

Thank Shadowbrine. I looked for something like this. Is it a 3rd party behaviour?

Yes it is and it is really helpful I am working on a 3d game so glad I could help

Ideal, where can I download it. I can’t see it in Develop behaviours and a Google search takes me to info about it, but no link.

If you Co to your property panel you scroll down till you see add new behavior and click it then you can search it a there you go

Hi Shadowbrine. I’m really sorry. I’m not trying to be a pain, but I click on ‘Add new Behaviour’ but it isn’t listed. I have the latest version of GDevelop. Am I attaching it to my 3d model (ie main character)?

Ignore everything! I hadn’t moved the toggle to show not officially reviewed! Thank you for your help!

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