How do I remove a game from


As a test, I published my game-in-progress to

Something is completely off with the resolution, you can just see the top of the background, and that’s it.

In my list of builds I deleted the build (did not see or know about the “unpublish” option).

I read somewhere it would get auto-deleted after 14 days, but this has not happened.

Is there any way to remove it?

thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi consigliere, it sounds like you went through Publish-See game builds. What happens if you go to File-Games Dashboard. Is the game listed there? If so then you can uncheck Make discoverable on Liluo.

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Thanks for the pointer, I was going around in circles :expressionless:

File → Games Dashboard → Manage Game → Unpublish did the trick, thanks :slight_smile: