How do I Revert to the Old Menu?

Previously in the editor, when a variable or parameter asked for an object, it used to put a typing box. Now after what I believe to be Version 5.3.195, it shows an unintuitive dropdown menu. I realize that you can still type to search, but if you stop typing for a second, it resets. I also find it annoying that you can’t see what you are typing. Is there a way to revert to the old menu?

Screenshot 2024-03-22 3.46.26 PM
(New Dropdown Above ^)

Gdevelop mods forgive me. Self Bump.


Looks like this is an issue from your end, and I don’t think the devs changed it in the new version. I’m also on v 5.3.195 and I get a textbox instead of dropdown menu. I also noticed in your screenshot, the icons before the variable names are missing. Maybe the app is glitched on your system and re-installing GDevelop may fix it for you.

I’m using browser so maybe clearing cache.