How to assign unique variable per object?

Like maybe using a for loop function

For Each Add +1 count last loop.

10 objects each ID = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.

No object has same ID? I cant figure this out and google and search for this forum comes up nothing. It seems a basic programming function is missing?

There are other types of events available (“loop”, “for each” to loop for each objects, …). Just click on “Other…” in the event sheet when you want to add an event.

In your case, a “For each MY_OBJECT” event is the best choice.

After a long time I figure this out incase anyone need to know you must do this:
For Each Object-
Trigger Once:
Do +(Add) Variable(Counter)+1(or 0 base) to variable ObjectVar of Object
Do +(Add) to variable (Counter)