How to center the text in an text input field?

i am using text input fields where user has to type in some text.
by default all text inputs are displayed left aligned.

the headline is the question.

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Text will center but only if there is more than one line. You can work around this by doing a text modify = NewLine()+“what you want to display centered here” Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

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its a single line only.
i found this section in the .json-file
and tried to add “textAlignment”: “center” (and also “text-align”: “center”),
but that does not effect at all.

“assetStoreId”: “”,
“name”: “usersize”,
“tags”: “”,
“type”: “TextInput::TextInputObject”,
“variables”: [],
“effects”: [],
“behaviors”: [],
“content”: {
“initialValue”: “”,
“placeholder”: “?”,
“fontResourceName”: “Ubuntu-Bold.ttf”,
“fontSize”: 30,
“inputType”: “text”,
“textColor”: “208;2;27”,
“textAlignment”: “center”,
“fillColor”: “255;255;255”,
“fillOpacity”: 255,
“borderColor”: “0;0;0”,
“borderOpacity”: 255,
“borderWidth”: 1,
“readOnly”: false,
“disabled”: false
