Okay, so I’m working on a platformer and want to make a sound play if the player has activated the checkpoint. The problem is, the sound turns into earrape if I just put in ‘If in collision’ event, so I made it so that there’s a variable that has a value of ‘0’ that changes to ‘1’ when it touches the checkpoint, and when the variable is touching the checkpoint AND is equal to zero (which is only once), the sound plays. But there are multiple checkpoints throughout the level, and so I wanted to make it so that when the flag is not being touched by the player, it is equal to 0. But to do so, I need to check if it’s not in Collision. So can anybody help?
you could probably solve this issue:
by adding a “Trigger once while true” condition.
But if you just want to keep the events your are working with, you can invert pretty much all conditions by using the slider at the bottom for each condtion menu, like:
IDK if it is your case but sometimes inverting conditions do not work as you would want
And then you need to use NOT
Just add new condition in search bar type NOT and add it
Under it you shove in your condition
Imagine it as
You are in toilet
And inverting condition check if you are not in toilet
Where using NOT checks if you are in toilet and returns false statement
Or maybe it was other way around but you get the idea