If you’re using the keyboard. I would recommend moving using teens but it looks like you’re using the pathfinder.
If you’re using the pathfinder behavior to move the object then one way is to get the node X, Y for node[3]. The behavior creates a list of nodes starting at Node[0] (the start position) . Just like arrays, it can get confusing because the node count will always be the last node +1. If the there are 4 modes then the nodes go from 0 to 3.
Anyways, if you are using the pathfinder, you set a route then you use the 4th node X, Y as the destination. I used min() in case there are fewer than 3 nodes then it uses the smaller number.
I used the draw pathfinder behavior on the player. I used the obstacle on the obstacles.
My grid is set to 32x32. The origin of my player is in the center. (16,16)
These are my pathfinder settings. It’s important to set the grid to the same size as your grid and the offset to half the value so the nodes end up in the center. I also unchecked the diagonal box.
If you don’t want to draw the path then don’t add the action to draw the path. If you do. I have the shape painter checkboxes unchecked for draw relative and clear.