How to make users type on game?

As you can check in the debugger, the text is saved in the memory of the AskQuery object:

You need a Text object to display it, with the action “Do = AskQuery.String() to the text of DisplayQuestionText”

By the way there is another error, as you can see in the debugger again:
Debug text 2.png
The expression in the event 7.1.1 :

"SubStr(TextEntry.String(), 10) to the text of TextEntry"

Should be:

SubStr(AskQuery.String(), 0, 10)

Note there are no quotes :wink:

Let me know if you get to solve it, otherwise I can send you a “patched” file, so you get an idea of how it works :slight_smile:

By the way here is a topic about using the Text Entry object: [url][Solved]how to use the text entry]