How to match Objects for puzzle game

my game for children to learn Math, The child has to choose two numbers whose sum is a definite number, which in this example is number 13, When the child clicks on a number, its color changes in preparation for choosing the second number, I need to know if I am correct in linking the two numbers together, or is there a shortcut instead of these many conditions, and the most important thing is if the child answers by mistake, I need to know how to return the color of the two numbers to the original first color, The arrow in the picture indicates the answer to a condition that does not take place, so why?
I have an example of the game I’m playing an example of the game I’m trying to imitate, and a picture of my codes. Please help me with the two previous points.
The original game: Math Plus Puzzle Game
My codes

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wonderful i check your Math game but i have question how you made line if you select between numbers

I didn’t download your file, but I have a project that it seems to be what you’re searching for.

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Your project is great but i want the Example
1+2 =
5 or 9 or 3

If select 9 will get sound is wrong and also i must move object to correct location to show next and sound correct

Sorry for being late, But I didn’t understand your question.