How to optimize rendering

does anyone know how to optimize specifically rendering since I’ve profiled my game and rendering seems to be a very big issue. I only have around 10 instances in the scene which are always in the camera’s view, making culling not an option.
I would also like to say that 8 of the instances on the scene are hidden. I’m not sure if that means anything, but help would be appreciated. Thank you!

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How do you see that rendering is a big issue ? What kind of values gives the profiler ?

this is the value that the profiler gave me.


It looks alright to me.
At 60fps, each frame lasts 16.7ms. Spending 1.15ms on rendering is not much. Nothing to worry about I’d say.

You might find that those 36% are too high. But it means on the contrary that you program is not taking much to process all the logic. Hence the big proportion taken by the -tiny- rendering being done.
Over the 16.7 ms each frame lasts, 1.15ms is spent for rendering. About 2.30ms for something else. And 13ms doing nothing, waiting for next frame to start.

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Just to chime in, the 36% on the right is the percentage of the entire game process the line item is taking. It doesn’t mean 36% CPU/GPU. So long as your total game process is under 16ms combined, it is still running (or capable of running) at at least 60 fps.

1 ms render time is totally fine.

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It doesn’t mean 36% CPU/GPU.
Oh ! I had not realised that this could have been the source of the confusion :+1: