How to play GDevelop Game in Android??

Dear friends,
I’m a completely newbie here and I’m sorry if this question was answered before, I didn’t find an answer though.

I’ve just finished Platform Tutorial for Beginners and I’ve exported it in Intel XDK for Android (Crosswalk).
The problem is: HOW TO PLAY?? I mean, there are no keys to move the players or anything :frowning: :frowning:

What should I do?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Greetings !

You should create buttons on the screen that the player can touch to make the same actions as the keys.

Thanks so so so much!!
I am really a huge NEWBIE! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so sorry for my ignorance…
I have made a button with an event but it’s not working on the mobile… What am I doing wrong?
I put:
CONDITION: MOUSE & TOUCH - Mouse button pressed or touch > Button to evaluate NAME OF MY (SPRITE)OBJECT
ACTION: PLATFORM AUTOMATISM - Controls > Simulate Left Key > Object Player

(I’m translating from Spanish, I send file with event)

Thanks a lot in advance!!

The mouse/touch condition is not used with an object’s name (just read the name of the condition’s parameter) but with a mouse button which is Left (Left is used even if we are on a touch screen). Then, you need to add another condition to test if the mouse (or touch) is over the button (in Sprite category).