(Solved) How to save/load game?

Hi everyone! I’m a beginner in Gdevelop and I wanted to make a simple condition/action to save my game. I want my character to stay where they are after closing my preview and opening it again and make the scene pause or something. I’ve watched tutorials about it and I couldn’t find the “Write” and “Read” actions used to save the game. I have no clue where to start. I need help :slightly_frowning_face:

Write / Read were changed to Save / Load

Be aware you cannot detect if game closes either it is preview or HTML version or mobile ver or desktop version
So you need to either create auto save based on some time intervals
Or you need to save automatically at some points of your game
Or manually with well save button
I would just not advise to spam it cause you can corrupt your storage

Yet loading can be done with At beginning of the scene condition to auto load when game starts

Thank youuuuuuuuu! I will try that

If I understand correctly, Autosave won’t corrupt storage, right?

You know
Game have no idea did you auto save on some time intervals or did you saved manually by pressing some button
Well technically game knows since you set up events for it
BUT what i mean game does not see difference in time intervals saves and button press saves neither does it see difference in saving when level ends

It just see you did something
Perform save action

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