How to save text or player name as variable

So I’ve been doing so much research and watch other tutorials, but it’s been 3 days I still can’t figure out exactly how to do it. So I decided to just ask. Pls, excuse my stupidity.
This is where I enter the text.

This is for saving

This is for loading

it would be best if the player can edit the text anytime they want tho.

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Have you tried reading text from storage?

and are you writing in storage using this action?

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oh yeah it actually my bad, write a text but make it read a value. :sweat_smile:
I fixed it, thank u.
but do you know how can I let the player come back to add more words without deleting the previous words?

I don’t know if this works but you can try it:
While saving,
If the text of global variable Glo_Text = “” Then
Change the text of global variable Glo_Text set to EterText.String()
Write GlobalVariableString(Glo_Text) in group1 of storage storage1

If the text of global variable Glo_Text =/= “” Then
Change the text of global variable Glo_Text2 set to EterText.String()
Write GlobalVariableString(Glo_Text)+GlobalVariableString(Glo_Text2) in group1 of storage storage1

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thank u so much for your kind answer but sadly it didn’t work for me. :sweat_smile:

Instead of using "set to" when setting the text of ShowText, try using "Add". It’ll append the input text to whatever is already there. This part:

You may need to clear out EterText after it’s been added to ShowText.

However, I’m not sure how the extension deals with deletes.

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