I’m trying to assign an index variable to each Mushroom sprite in my scene, but this modifies the object variable for all Mushrooms. So I’m wondering how do I assign an “instance” variable to each individual Mushroom sprite in Javascript?
for (const index in allMushrooms) {
Did not work, still modifies the object variable unfortunately
What you want to achieve? Each object having an unique id variable?
I want to assign each Mushroom an index value to create a stagger effect.
I dont get why would not that code work? It should set the Index of each object to their order in the array.
Do you have any piece of code/event anywhere else changing their variables?
No I don’t modify the index elsewhere, I believe this doesn’t work because its setting the Object variable rather than the Instance variable, which means its assigning the same variable to all Mushroom sprite.
It’s working for me. I added the value to a text object and change the value with a cursor condition.
const Allmushrooms = runtimeScene.getObjects("Mushroom");
setInterval(function() {
for (let i = 0; i < Allmushrooms.length; i++){
const mushroom=Allmushrooms[i]