I have a problem with the mobile controls / Tengo un problema con los controles del móvil.

as you can see these are my behaviors. The problem is that when playing on the mobile, when I press the arrow it moves, but it does not stop. Someone help me?

como pueden ver estos son mis comportamientos. El problema es que al jugar en el móvil, cuando presiono la flecha se mueve, pero no se detiene. ¿Alguien me ayuda?

Note on mobile there is like a invisible cursor, if you touch the screen the cursor is moved where you have touched, and stay at these positions. That’s why the action is always active.

Cursor/Touch on an object is one part of the action if you want create button.
You need add a condition for press or release cursor/touch.

Touch or Left mouse button is down

What is the condition? thanks


add this command to the beginning of the scene

obviamente, el comando debe establecerse en “NO”

muchas gracias eres mi idolo

no me aparece en other conditions. Sabes que tengo que buscar o hacer? Gracias

Está bien así? No me funciona. :frowning:
Its ok? The game don’t work :frowning:

Scrivo in italiano perché sono con il cellulare.
Poi stasera col PC ti spiego meglio.
Comunque il comando ‘a inizio della scena’ devi metterlo una sola volta all’inizio , e una sola volta ci metti il comando che ‘non deve seguire il mouse’
e basta solo una volta.

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Come hai scritto tu il codice il programma legge solo una volta il comando per muovere il Player e poi non lo fa più leggere quindi il Player rimane Fermo

So it should be clearer. In your program you have to enter only these two commands (those indicated with the red arrow). It is enough to put them only at the beginning of the scene and only once.