Inline Comments

Basically, I propose we have comments that can attach to an condition / action instead of just as an event block. This would be more similar to an IDE, and would allow smaller comments for actions that are a part of an event block that may need additional specification. See below image for an example:


I’ve wished for this in some situations.

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Can be easliy done:

  • Create new extenstion, name it Comment.
  • Add 2 functions “Condition/Action”, and configure each’s:
  • Full name displayed: Comment.
  • Sentence in event sheet: _PARAM1_.
  • Go to Parameters and add a new one for each function:

Type: String (text).

  • Click on the puzzle with pen icon, and change the extension icon to comment.svg.
  • That’s all, put properties as desired.
    Might create one, but I doubt it will be approved.

This is not what I am suggesting, see the image? What you’re suggesting is adding another condition/action underneath but that will create clutter and not connect to a certain line as I’m suggesting.