Interact with object and make description appear (RPG game)

Hi, i started using GDevelop recently and try to creat RPG game like Angel of Death or Ib etc. In RPG game we can interact with many thing and a description of that thing appear. I want to know how i can do it.

  1. What i did so far
  • Make character move around, created obstacles.
  • Make character dialog appear at beginning (and make it disappear after the dialog finish)

(Idk why i cant upload imagine so i use ggdoc instead)

  1. What i want to do next but dont know how
  • Make the character interact with other object (bed, table, cabinet, hole on the wall…), and an description appear (The description include text and the textbox).
  • When interact with the hole on the wall, an choice will appear so player can decide to look in that hole or not. If player choice look, a scary imagine will appear, but it disappear when look again)

Thank you for reading! have a nice day! XD

please specify on what you want exactly to do

I want to make text appear when the character in collision with an object. I manage to make the text appear but it disappear right away.

How can I make it only disappear when i press an button. (I try and it work for object dialogbox but not text box)