Is it possible to make a 3d box with the new gdevelop 3d engine that can have better collision with Z levels without glitching

Is it possible to make a 3d box with the new gdevelop 3d engine that can have better collision with Z levels without glitching? and that as in not clipping through at certain Z Levels, i would need this for jumping in a 3d fps game environment, Idk if this is confusing, but i also do not have many attempts of doing this since i have no idea if its even possible

You’re going to have to better explain what this glitch is, and possibly provide a screen shot or better still a video/gif of it. Just saying “as in not clipping through at certain Z Levels” isn’t enough for us to understand what the issue is.

Its no glitch, its just a feature gdevelop hasnt made yet, cubes are only meant to block things from X and Y, Z does not have any features for that rn

So usually, it blocks the entire Z path, Maybe Ill suggest it as a feature soon

By the way, the game is gonna be kind of like Blood 1997, idk if you know what that is, but without this as a feature jumping/falling will be very difficult to make