Is there a way to see what is impacting performance on specific things

So for instance, I have a sprite that I am moving with top down controls. Instead of doing moving animations for each thing I am currently shaking the sprite with the shake object action.

Would that have an effect on the feel of the controls of the character? I adjusted some issues with the ai of units yesterday but now for whatever reason the control of my character feels off and less enjoyable. Looking through my events that was the only thing I could really see that might impact it. Other than that maybe the attached health bars to everything could be giving issues as I added that system back in as well.

Thanks for reading!

Double check that you have properly used trigger once where needed.

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You can narrow down stuff pretty well so long as:

  1. You are using event groups (and subevent groups) that are properly labeled.
  2. You run the debugger preview and then launch the profiler.

Each event group will be listed in the events sections with their names and you can see how much each takes up per frame.


Hey Silver-Streak, yeah I have tried using both of those features. I also searched through my events to see for the groups the object is under as well as the object itself and tried to make sure there was nothing conflicting.

I thought it might be due to the object being under the same grouping as AI controlled units but separating them all out would be cumbersome. Maybe I can assign a variable to each object first that says whether they will be computer or human controlled and that will impact it. I might need to put the some of my project on hold while I figure this out.

Hey man, it’s okay to get excited over the Shake Object feature, at least in this thread that I started. I mean, let’s be honest Drona easily could have sent you a message to clear things up instead of roasting you publicly for something so minor and then leaving their comment up adding confusion to the thread and therefore doing the same thing they chastised you about.

I saw your other thread where you let everyone know you’re 12 and could use some help. First things, don’t tell people your age in a forum that isn’t meant exclusively for kids. You’ll need an adult you know in real life to go over why that’s important.

Since you closed that topic, there are a lot of great tutorials you can follow along with on youtube and that’s a good place to start after the starter projects. Under the get started tab on the home page of the GDevelop App, you can find guided lessons. While it’s good to have mentors, you will need the desire to improve and more importantly the ability to apply yourself and your currently knowledge to find new pathways to your answers.

Side note, I do this for fun, I’m not an expert and I myself ask a lot of questions on here and the discord. Anyways, best of luck, can’t wait to see what you make of things.

[I am going to delete this post soon]. I am just writing because you have mentioned me directly, I just would like to clarify that it was not my intent to “roast” or “chastise” anyone. It seemed that StormChaserH12 was okay and got it right, but if they felt bad because of my comment, I am sorry about that.

Yes, I could have sent a private message and now since the initial post is deleted (which I just got to know now) my comment is indeed “adding confusion”. No problem, I will correct that and delete this post too.

The quality of this forum is quite good, because people stick more or less to the rules. One out-of-context comment does not hurt anyone, but as I wrote I had good reasons to make my post. You may find that small-minded and that’s absolutely fine.

First I want to clarify, I don’t know the kid.

Drona, I don’t find it small minded, I found it weak and bit like a bully. You’re clearly a big deal around here and you like things done a certain way, that’s fine. I do think you could interact with the kids better is all.

Did you even answer my question when you came to chastise the kid? I can’t remember nor even check because well, you’ve already deleted your response. Some of us are actually here because we’re trying to learn enough so we can bring GDevelop into schools. Which considering how there is an option literally on the GDevelop app that says LEARN, with another one that says Classrooms right on the home page next to the one that says Community that leads them to this forum, maybe there will be some kids that come this way.

You’re super knowledgeable and that’s intimidating to people sometimes, especially kids. Sorry being called out affected you so, please delete or adjust whatever you feel like you need to. Oddly enough with your responses to one topic you have been able to alienate at least two people who came to this forum looking for guidance and community.

You read something in my first comment that wasn’t there, but I accept that you and maybe others may feel differently about that. Again, it was not intended to chastise or bully a kid. Until your reply I wasn’t even aware that StormChaserH12 is or claims to be an under-aged person.
Judging the atmosphere of the forum (and me) based on one comment, which was not written with any negative intention, is a bit too much. The thing is, I am not the forum and I am also not as big and knowledgable as you seem to think. There are many great people here, who can give you the guidance and community you are looking for.