Is this the best way to load a JSON as a ressource?

I have a JSON to declare as a ressource in my project, I used this trick by Mlafefon here which in short is like this:
You create a sprite with an image on the same folder you have you JSON, name your object JSON or something. You save and quit.
Then you open the .json of your PROJECT with notepad or any text editor, go to the resource section and replace your image info with that:

“alwaysLoaded”: false,
“file”: “data.json”,
“kind”: “json”,
“metadata”: “”,
“name”: “data.json”,
“smoothed”: true,
“userAdded”: true

It works fine, but it’s quite ugly, inside your project you have some ugly ununderstood objects.
Good thing is you can access your JSON with a network request set to host:“” and protocol: “data.json”

I saw here and there some ideas with other methods but it’s often very vague and as a beginner, I don’t know how to do it.

Do you have a better idea?