JavaScript Help for setting z position

I am working on a terrain generator for a game and cant find a z parameter for 3d objects in the documentation. Does anyone know how to change this value?

Is it setZ()?

no it throws an error and idk why

How are you using it? Make sure to include the [0] for the object.

This works for me with an object named “Player” and a scene variable “VariableZ”

const ZZZ = runtimeScene.getVariables().get("VariableZ").getAsNumber();
/** @type {gdjs.Model3DRuntimeObject} */
const obj = runtimeScene.getObjects("Player");

hmm I’ll try that Keith_1357

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘setZ’)

The code works for me with 1 object.

Can you post your events? Make sure all of the object names match exactly including case.

ok the javascript

    function worldGen(X, Y, Z, object){
        let obj = runtimeScene.createObject(object)
        X *= 20
        Y *= 20
        let savedY = Y
        let savedZ = Z
        while(X >= 0){
            obj.setPosition(X, Y); 
            Y = savedY
            while(Y >= 0){
                obj.setPosition(X, Y); 
                Y -= 20; 
            X -= 20;
    worldGen(20, 20, 20, "Grass");  

In that context, it doesn’t seem to need brackets.

I tested your events in the racing template and it works.

My version (I used random because I wanted an easy way to test different values)

    function worldGen(X, Y, Z, object){
        /** @type {gdjs.RuntimeObject3D} */
        let obj = runtimeScene.createObject(object)
        //X *= 20
        //Y *= 20
        let savedY = Y
        let savedZ = Z
        while(X >= 0){
            obj.setPosition(X, Y); 
            Y = savedY
            while(Y >= 0){
                obj.setPosition(X, Y); 
                Y -= 20; 
            X -= 20;
    worldGen(300, 300, 20, "Player"); 

I triggered the function with a key released event in my scene.

ya its still not working. rq could you add the Walk3D, Jump3D, and Collision3D extensions? because that might be interfering with the Z pos thing

wait the event change z position event works so if I can execute that with the js then that might work

I don’t think those extensions would cause an error. They might interfere and push back.

hmm i dont know i will try to debug tomorrow b/c i gtg

YES I got it to work!!!

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Glad to hear. What eventually worked for you.

Maybe it’s just a small code to test, but it can be easily done with events.

Yes it may be, but I am better at JavaScript than Gdevelop events : |

the working JavaScript

    function worldGen(X, Y, Z, object){
        let obj = runtimeScene.createObject(object)
        X *= 20
        Y *= 20
        let savedY = Y
        let savedZ = Z
        while(X >= 0){
            Z = Math.floor(Math.random() * savedZ)
            obj = runtimeScene.createObject(object)
            obj.setPosition(X, Y);
            Y = savedY
            while(Y >= 0){
                Z = Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) * savedZ) / 2
                obj = runtimeScene.createObject(object)
                obj.setPosition(X, Y);
                Y -= 20; 
            X -= 20;
    worldGen(20, 20, 2, "Grass");  

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