but it shouldn´t be connected with the current time a.s.o.
I´d like to set the clock with a down/up Arrow in 5 sconds steps.
At the moment i got 2 variables Var_Min and Var_Sec and when the Var_Sec is greater than 59, set Var_Sec to 00 and add 1 to Var_Min… i can´t imagine that this is the best way to do it…
it works indeed, but if i want to calculate 2 clocks in one for example, smoke coming out of my ears…
Yes… this is what i did (and explained above), but what i need is a kind of automation of this, something like variable = (mm:ss) or similiar.
If its not possible, and the only way to do is in a varsec and varmin expression, so how can i calculate 2 clocks in a third one?
Example: clock1 22:14 + clock2 14:50 = clock3 35:04 (and not clock3 34:64)
I found 3 different codes for “WakeLock”, every one of these let freeze the game.
i fond a open topic about this issue here in the forum, but the explianed way to implent this code is not mind blowing, it is mind crushing!
Before Gdevelop, i used Clickteam Fusion.
I prefer Gdevelop, its smarter in my eyes , but in Clickteam you got a simple and easy extension, where you can chek the command “start slep prevention” thats it…
Hope Gdevelop will offer such an extension soon