Lens distortion draggable

Hi, I know that Bulge pinch can distort well, but what I want is to make it draggable like a real magnifying glass, or whenever I touch the screen, the glass moves to that place. Can anyone help me please? thank you. I looked through other posts but didnt find what I want, no video about this too :frowning:

Hi, not a full solution for your problem but maybe something to get you started is here:

What are you trying to magnify? An image or the scene including multiple objects? There might be workarounds but it depends.

thank you, sorry for the late reply. I want to magnify a part of a picture in a scene. In the end, it should have the effect of pinching something. THank you

thank you, I also found this post but it didn’t solve my problem :frowning:

Interesting. I would have created sentences formed by single letters (or a system that takes a string and creates many separate letters).

Then, I would have created three concentric circles, made them invisible, and positioned them on the lens. Moving the lens, the circles would move.

When the outer circle encounters a letter, it multiplies it by 2, the middle one multiplies it by 3, and the inner one by 4 (these are arbitrary values, of course).

Additionally, I would have created a frosted texture in Photoshop for the outer circle, to blur it a bit.

Did you try the methods in the linked post or did they not look how you want it.

For the items that are magnified you could use a large image. The scene version would be resized. You could then add a magnifying glass sprite with a lens object stuck to it with a circular mask. You could then move the mask over another larger image which would reveal the other object. I’ve never used a deplacement map.

Creating the magnifying glass would be a start.

In the end, it should have the effect of pinching something

By effect of pinching do you mean visually or the mechanics of pinching an image to zoom.

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Based on the info you gave, Keith_1357’s suggestion seems to be the best. You can add the ‘BulgePinch’-effect to your lense/mask-sprite. This gives the impression as if you are moving a round glass-object over the surface.
The problem is that this alone has not a magnifying effect and that’s why you need, as Keith suggested, a larger image which becomes visible through the mask-object.

thank you for taking the time, by pinching, I mean when you pinch the cheek of a kid, the skin around it will be deformed. Kind of like that. I will experiment with your suggestions, tks again

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