Liluo link and apk problem

I tried to do it with the scenes that I have in the game. I’ve filled in the empty property slots (Liluo’s icon and splash screen which don’t make a difference), removed external events, external layout, effects, and lighting layer. I don’t use extensions.
None of the exports worked correctly every time. The error persists.
Perhaps someone who has the same problem can provide some more information.

I had the Application Error warning too (on several devices). I assumed it was because I was loading variables from a file and hadn’t put in checks to see if they actually exist first. (I’d updated high scores and game difficulties so these variables didn’t exist initially).

Hi, I am having the same problem “Application Error the connection to the server was unsuccessful”.

when I open the game on some Android devices, the Cordova loading screen will appear and then the Error warning shows up not allowing the user to access the game.

I think the problem started for me in version 5.0.140 which introduced the initial Cordova loading screen.

My game is very heavy around 100 mb so I think it has something to do with the ram of the devices that throws this warning. I think is important to mention that before version 5.0.140 the same 100mb game was able to run fine on the same devices that now show the error.

I export the game as Android App Bundle and upload it to the Playstore.
If it is of some use, the same game exported to IOS works fine on any device.

Do you still have this error?

I don’t have variables that are read from a file, at least I don’t think so. I only use common object and scene variables so far.

Has anyone tried to export the game as an APK to Android in a version lower than 5.0.140 of Gdevelop? I just tried version 5.0.139 but I don’t know if I downloaded the executable wrong, because the Cordoba logo keeps appearing and the game never works.

EDIT: The latest exports are not working anytime I open the APK from Android (it used to work sometimes).

I’m not sure which version because I haven’t exported the APK to android for many months until recently. I didn’t have this problem before. I tried to export an example and it works every time I open the APK from my cell phone, so it is not supposed to be a problem with the cell phone or android version. I test it from a Moto g31 with android 11. When I open the developer tools I get these errors, but I don’t think they really affect.. .

I have submitted the issue to the devs, and I am waiting for feedback.
Please keep trying things on your side. The more info we get, the easier is the troubleshooting.

I just tried version 5.0.139 but I don’t know if I downloaded the executable wrong, because the Cordoba logo keeps appearing and the game never works.

Did you uninstall GDevelop and the game before installing v139 and the new export?
This is the setup link for v139 (Windows)..

Please Please Please tell developers to fix this connection error, it started from previous update and now it have same error if i use older versions too,

Yes, that’s the file I downloaded from 4ian’s GitHub and before installing it, I uninstalled the previous version. I will keep trying to figure it out or at least understand more about this error. I was seeing that progressively as I was developing the project and doing exports, they were working less times until this point that they no longer work on the cell phone that I had been testing. It never leaves the Cordoba icon (the loading bar never appears). On a more powerful cell phone it does not redirect to the loading screen either, but nevertheless, after the loading time, the game works. I guess there must be some errors that a more powerful phone can handle.

Same here. Latest version of GDevelop.

Fresh install message appeared then exited. Subsequent load ran fine. Odd.

Hi there!
Here’s a potential fix for that issue, if some of you are still experiencing it:

Let us know if that works for you as well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking for a solution. I don’t understand what I should do and where to place that fragment. Is this included in the latest updates or do I have to do it manually? because I made a new export for android as APK but the same thing happens as before (I did not do manual modifications). Also, I have never done a build manually.

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You have to export it as manual as cordova project. Then you need some software installations, cordova java and node js if I remember correctly. So then you have to run cmd on windows, then type (for example if you export your cordova project on the desktop) cd desktop (tap enter) then: cd (project folder name) and again enter. Then type: cordova platform add android. Then when it’s completed. Open folder and you will find file named: config.xml and down somewhere type same line which is showed above in the image. Then again in cmd. Type same commands to set project folder and type cordova build android and when it’s completed it shows you where is exported apk file. Sorry for my english, i hope it will help you.

Thanks for the information. I will have to download the programs and try. It’s a bit complicated for me because I’ve never done it. Is there any difference in terms of game performance when generating the APK in this way compared to the default in Gdevelop?

No, the compiled game will be the same.
You should find a guide for manual exports in our wiki (button at the top of this page).

I have experienced the issue on several Android devices now. Some work after failing once and others require a force stop and reload to work (until a restart).

Is there any way to get this added into the main build?

@Mr_Nick666 Do you mean with or without the fix shown above?

@Bouh Can you look into this issue and its potential fix?

I was trying both ways (Publish your game to Windows, macOS and Linux manually using Electron and Electron Builder - GDevelop documentation and this way Publish your game to Android and iOS manually using Cordova - GDevelop documentation). There’s always a new error popping up that isn’t fixed by the github suggestions. After downloading 1000 things and trying, nothing works. These are some of the errors that appear


If anyone else who had this black screen error can try it, it would be good.

Maybe you can try this. The only way to include it in Gdevelop by default is knowing if it really works and it takes more different attempts to know if it works in all cases.

Check this:

I mean in the main build.

The fix gets complicated when it’s easier to click a button to package to for Google Play. I’m a subscribed user of GDevelop because I don’t know how to code.

I’m sorry but I won’t be able to do it. I accidentally removed the “path” environment variable while adding a new one and I can’t find a way to fix it other than to reset Windows. :confounded:

It’s complicated but I suppose that if those of us who have this problem can confirm that it can be solved in this way, they could include it in future updates in the Gdevelop build. This problem does not happen to everyone and that is why the ideal is for those of us who have it to send a copy of the project or at least confirm if this solves it.

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