Linking Objects in Editor

A feature I’d like to request is being able to link objects in the editor.

Why? Well, I feel as it’s quite annoying to have to code in a sort of system to link things at the start of a scene, when I, the developer could just link them in scene knowing what needs to be linked instantly.

Doing this type of thing isn’t ideal, and it’s also a bit ineffective and inefficient, and sometimes it’s not possible.

The way I’d suggest it functioning, you could select multiple objects then link them instantly. (then the editor could show a sort of line between the two or something else to determine what’s linked and what isn’t)

This could be used to quickly link things together like a button and a door, so you don’t have to code a ID matching system.

If anybody reads this, thank you for reading my silly little suggestions! Have a nice day!


i think this is that kind of situation where c.objects can help