Linking Physics Objects

The issue I’m struggling with is the physics 2.0 collision system. I have a simple character, head, two arms, and two legs. There are 6 walls, each physics objects, and when my character collides with them, he needs to bounce off or slide down, dependent on the velocity. I can get this to work relatively easily using the circle shape collision box, but my character isn’t a circle, so it just looks bad. When I use the polygon feature, the crash detection becomes jittery.

The obvious solution is to split the character into three pieces, creating a pill shaped collision box. A semi circle for the head and feet, and a square for the body, which I did.

Then, using weld joints, I connect this all together. The whole thing works amazingly well, until I apply any kind of force. My little pill falls apart.


With no forces applied anywhere, my pill will happily obey gravity, falling over etc. But smash it into a wall, and it breaks. Very true to life, but I was hoping for it to maintain its shape.

Any help will be appreciated.

(Note: creating the pill was a prototype before I create the sprites to make up the player character).