Load resources from an URL

Feature I’m requesting

I’d like if resources could be loaded from an URL. This could be done by defining a resource name to a url (So if I define “ResourceWall” to load from an url, if I set this resource on a Tiled Sprite, it should load that resource from that url), and adding events to change that url and preload the resource from it. It should also have conditions and expressions to check for the state of loading each resource (Error, Sucess, with error codes and whatever error info the server may send back)

My Problem

The problem is that I have a server where I host various files. While I can load images with an extension and JSON files with a web request, I can’t seem to find a way to do so for mp4 files, which is the type of file I’m trying to fetch. :slightly_smiling_face:

This feature would help reduce proyect file sizes, especially for online games where most platforms have an upload size limit. It would also help me, in my personal case, to add songs that players can pick on a custom level editor I made, and would help me since I could update the songs without having to recompile the game each time.

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There is an extension called “Load Images from a URL”. Perhaps it can be tweaked to load videos.

I can do that I can help you
I made an extension that loads images, audio and video from url

No, it can’t. It seems to access directly the rendering engine, so I don’t think you can really tweak it to load resources from url.

Made? Where do you have it? Is it on the extension browser or itch.io for download? Does it work?

I made it myself for myself maybe I’ll give you are u on discord so I can send you the file

If you feel comfortable letting others use it and avoiding any replies to this thread after 3 years asking for the extension, consider uploading the extension to this GitHub repository or yourself on itch.io.
Keep in mind that your extension must meet certain practices to be accepted into the GitHub repository, but since you made it by yourself for yourself, you have the choice to not publish it.


I’m sorry I sent you friend request I was out of reach from my laptop
I’ll give you extension there I’m so sorry pls