Looping Map for MvsL type game

Hi! I have been using Gdevelop for a while so I wanted to try and make a multiplayer Mario vs Luigi type game. I want to recreate the “infinite” map (which is a map that just loops) but I can’t wrap my head around how to actually make it. Does anyone know how?

Can you describe what do you mean by infinite map? I never played games from Nintendo.

Mario vs. Luigi has your average Platformer level, but instead of ending with a flagpole or goal it just loops back to the beginning of the stage, hence making it “infinite”

The difference from other maps that loop (for example the old arcade Pacman) is that the beginning and ending are unnoticable, you can’t tell when it starts or when it ends. If I were to do a “Change position” event on my characters it would be too obvious and it would look bad, that’s where i’m stuck. I alsl thought about maybe using procedural generation, but since it’s an online game with various players they would never meet in the map.

I would add a link here to some yt gameplay but it seems I can’t add links to this message. If you don’t understand fully what I said you can search mario vs luigi ds on yt, and some gameplay will surely pop up.

Have a look at the infinite runner sample project. It sounds like that will cover what you need!

I took a look and while procedural generation would def work in a singleplayer game, it won’t quite work in the multiplayer space due to the players having the liberty to move in any direction.