Mario & Luigi RPG style top-down platforming

How do I…

I am trying to recreate the platforming seen in the top-down Mario & Luigi RPG games like Superstar Saga on the GBA. It is top-down but you can jump onto platforms and hit blocks to get items. I think I would have to “fake” 3D to recreate this but I could just be overcomplicating it so any help is appreciated.

What is the expected result

Mario & Luigi is in a top-down perspective and able to platform on platforms of varying height.

What is the actual result

I haven’t tried making it in gdevelop because I’m not sure how to implement it, or even if it is possible.

Related screenshots

Short clip of gameplay from Superstar Saga.
This image is an example of what I want to recreate.

Project files (optional)

My project is just a scene (called “Game Scene”) that loads an empty external layout (called “World Map”) in the scene beginning.

just a thought… i wonder if you could use the top down engine, but make obstacles like this (that you’d hide) and if you are not jumping it pushes you back… so you would have to jump “up” to the next level, but would really just be jumping over thin walls.

Basically you would want to have a variable for the height of the object, which you check along with collision. So for example if you are colliding with the empty space area and have height of 0, you die. If colliding with the block and height is >32 or whatever, activate the block.

The visual part could be a little tricky since GD doesn’t have a way (as far as I know) to offset the sprite without changing the hitbox location. So, you might need a separate object (invisible one to be the collider that stays on the X,Y position, one to be the sprite that can have a different Y position to make it look like you are jumping)